Why Are All My Text Messages Saying Download

  1. Text Messages Will Not Download
  2. Why Are All My Text Messages Saying Download Pending
  1. Settings -> Applications -> All Then search for the apps. Sometimes downloads. My text messages wont come in saying downloading.
  2. If you use Verizon Messages (Message+), you can view your messages online through the Verizon Messages website. Note: Sign in with your mobile number and My Verizon password. Can I view text messages sent or received on another line on my account?

Dec 21, 2012  Last night they said 'download' but when I click download, it just says downloading, but never does, just sits there saying downloading, (tried one for 10 minutes) they are still on my phone, unreadable??

I have a Galaxy S2 running Android 4.0.4. When people send me text messages with a picture attached, I receive the message but it says something like this, with a 'download' button:

When I press the download button, it changes to the text 'Downloading' for a moment, and then it changes back to the download button and nothing else happens. I was expecting the picture to open, or something. Is there some way I can download & view these pictures?

[Update]: I have seen other suggestions to turn on mobile data. I went to:

and verified that Mobile data = ON. As an experiment, I toggled it OFF then ON again, then pushed the Download button on my text message again, but got the same result (it said 'downloading' briefly then nothing).

I have also turned off auto-retrieve here:

Auto-retrieve is unchecked & still no success. I'm pretty stumped.

Update #2:Suggestion to check APN settings. I went to:

But there is no 'mobile' choice. There is a 'more => mobile networks' but it only has '3G data' and 'connections optimizer'. Is there some other way to find/set the APN settings?


2 Answers

I just solved this issue on my phone, mms only works through 3g or 4g. It doesnt work over wifi so turn your wifi off, turn your mobile data on and it will work! Or at least it did with mine anyway. That's had me stumped for a veeery long time haha I hope ive helped someone with this :-)

Why Are All My Text Messages Saying Download

I was using a Nexus 5 with Android 6.0.1 and had this problem (download button did nothing once pressed and therefore I was unable to receive MMS msgs). Google's Messenger App as SMS/MMS app.

I ended up calling FIDO and someone directed me to change the url for MMS proxy (in Access Point Names => FIDO LTE => MMS Proxy) to an IP address. I then turned off my phone, took out the SIM, re-inserted it and turned the phone back on. I was then able to receive text messages. I'm not sure which of those steps actually solved it, but together they worked.


protected by CommunityDec 31 '14 at 14:37

Text Messages Will Not Download

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Why Are All My Text Messages Saying Download Pending

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